Don’t miss out on a lifetime keepsake for your child! The recital program and DVD’s are lasting memories your dancer will keep forever, and they make great gifts for family! The links below will take you to the printable forms for the program ads and recital DVDs. After you print those and fill them out, just drop them by the office with your payment.
Have your child’s individual or small group pictures (up to 4 pictures) in our recital program. You can also personalize the photo with a message to your child. These ads can even be sponsored by a business if you wish for a tax write-off.
1/4 page (1 pic): $75
1/2 page(2 pics): $130
Full page (1 large pic): $200
Full Ad (Array of pics): $250
Our recital DVD is done by Renaissance Film Productions. The DVDs will contain all performances and the curtain call.
**You can order USB flashdrives instead of DVDs. You will use the same order form, just circle “drives” next to the amount you would like to order. An additional fee of $5 will be applied for each flashdrive ordered.